Implements Association policy with regard to the exterior appearance and design of all structures. Reviews all proposed alterations, modifications or additions to existing structures, as well as any proposed new structures.
Manages the exterior maintenance of all buildings (including roofs) within the Condominium. Oversees contracts and agreements with outside contractors, to ensure the appearance, integrity and value of all buildings.
Manages and maintains all interior Clubhouse facilities, swimming pool, fitness room and utilities.
Performs all activities regarding communications within the community including the BRCA website, newsletter, telephone directory, telephone emergency notification system and community calendar scheduling.
Manages and assigns the Association garden plots located near the Maintenance Area, and administers Community Garden rules.
Provides copies for all Association business as needed, overseeing copier maintenance and supplies.
Provides recommendations to the Board on policies and guidelines to establish financial standards and procedures; oversees audits and financial reviews; coordinates with the Long Range Planning Committee; and manages annual budget preparation.
Manages maintenance and display of the American flag at the community entrance consistent with flag regulations and Board policy.
Manages and maintains entrance, exit, and maintenance gates and related equipment.
Manages appearance and condition of mail gazebo and bulletin boards. Assigns and labels community mail slots.
GOVERNANCE (as needed)
Reviews BRCA legal and regulatory issues and makes recommendations to the Board. Maintains the Association’s governing documents. Reviews and makes recommendations to assure compliance with relevant legal authorities.
Monitors and maintains stone walls, stone planters and stone work on bridges. Inspects condition of railroad ties on roadsides, driveways and small slopes, and removes or replaces as necessary. Maintains fences on the property perimeter. Monitors condition of directional signs. Coordinates with the power company for electrical supply problems. The Committee coordinates closely with several other committees including Landscape, Water, Building Maintenance and Roads & Driveways.
Advises the Board regarding BRCA insurance requirements and costs. Assists Owners with relevant insurance problems they may encounter.
Includes community landscaping, Japanese garden, slopes and tall trees. The Landscape Committee develops and implements all landscape policies consistent with the Landscape Policy Guide, and manages landscape contracts with independent contractors.
Manages preservation and use of Log Cabin facilities and amenities. Oversees condition of the interior of building, furniture and amenities. Manages and maintains the Library including publishing news regarding the library, events and talks.
Analyzes future financial needs of Association; annually updates Long-Range Capital Plan to assure sufficient funds are available for maintenance of buildings and the condominium’s infrastructure.
Implements the techniques necessary to make prospective buyers and agents aware of our community and the advantages of living here. Creates, maintains and enhances the marketing website, which provides a one-stop shop of information useful to those interested in buying or selling a home.
Monitors and maintains all external lighting and electrical systems that serve Common Elements as well as the three external garage lights on each residential unit.
Annually solicits and encourages nominations for open positions on the Board of Directors. Publishes candidate biographical information. Manages the election process.
Ensures that all units and Common Elements are not compromised by bugs, rodents, and the like. Contracts with and supervises exterminator as needed.
Inspects our road system and driveways at least twice annually, identifying areas that may soon be in need of repair. BRCA, not the city, is responsible for maintaining our road system.
Sponsors a variety of social events to help residents become acquainted with one another and create a sense of community.
Promotes sports activities. Oversees the physical condition and maintenance of the tennis and pickleball courts and related Association equipment; manages the scheduling of playing times and special events.
Monitors and maintains the community water system, including the water storage tanks, booster pumps, fire hydrants, and all service lines from the Association’s meter off Beaverdam Road to the point where service lines enter each Unit. Arranges with plumbing contractors for the repair of any breaks or disruptions in the community water lines, and tries to provide water to all Units deprived whenever disruptions in normal service occur. Takes similar responsibility for the maintenance of all sanitary waste lines running from outside the Unit to the Metropolitan Sewer District main sewer lines. Finally, monitors and maintains the storm water drain lines (excluding drains from Unit downspouts).
Contacts and welcomes new residents to the community by providing necessary and useful information, updates new residents’ Official Handbook and responds to their questions about Beaverdam Run.